About Us
The Nizam Club a first class royal club was set up in the month of Aban 1293 Fasli, under the patronage of H.E.H. the Nizams Government is managed on grounds of western lines by opening club vistas to folks of myriad cultures with no discrimination.
The club spans around 4 acres & is located in the heart of the twin cities opposite to Telangana State Assembly Hall. The club is registered under the A.P. Societies Act of 1951 in A.P. The elected body consisting of President, Vice-President, Hon. Secretary, Joint Secretary, and 6 members of the Managing Committee over-seeing the club activities.

First Society Registered in A.P.
The club registered under the A.P. Societies Act of 1951 and the club is the first society registered in A.P.

The Membership of the club is open to all without any distinction subject to the provision of the club rules. The club runs its all activities with not for profit, no loss motto. The club is maintained with discipline and decorum for the members to avail the facilities. The club is a central place for the members to meet, explore indoor and outdoor games and promote an element of unity, cordial spirit amongst all stake holders.






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